AssetWise Inspections

Create New Designer Form and Add to Existing Report Type

A major step above simply adding a new field to a form is to create an entirely new form and add it to an existing report type. To accomplish this task, the admin should do the following:

  1. Ensure all desired fields for the new form have been created on the Report Fields configuration page.
  2. Create the new form on the Forms configuration page.
  3. Open the form's Forms Designer page.
  4. Drag all of the desired controls, labels, etc. onto the form.
  5. Use each control's properties to link the controls to the desired fields.
  6. ALTERNATIVE The Add Multiple Fields control can be used in place of steps 4 and 5.
  7. Open the desired report type on the Report Types configuration page and add the newly created form on the Input Forms tab.
    Note: These steps assume a basic system of Asset and Report Settings has already been established.